Word of God



                                          - Prophesy Revealed to Bro. Maxwell Lazarus



A YEAR OF Claiming & Seeing the GOODNESS OF GOD

This will be a SEASON OF HOPE, a NEW START and a TIME to CLAIM BACK what had been lost, slipped and plucked away from you

It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God

are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end ( Deuteronomy 11: 12)

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;

 I will counsel you with My eye upon you.( Psalm 32:8)

My mercy I will keep for him forever, And My covenant shall stand firm with him. ( Psalm 89:28)

  • For the Children of God this year will be a year of GLADNESS, JOY, UPLIFT, RECOGNISATION, RESTORATION AND DREAMS COMING To pass
  • Child of God – This is going to be a time of redemption, Joy and unexpectable changes in your Life. As God is going before you to bring a Change…
  • The Pharoah’s, who stood to destroy you, you shall not see them again.
  • The Problems that burdened and troubled you, you shall not see it again.
  • The Obstacles that seemed to block you like the Jericho wall you shall not see it again.
  • This is the time to go forward, Claim what was denied, what was delayed, what was appointed for you.
  • Isaac searched for his well, which was hidden, covered by the evil people – God says, ”This is the Time, what was hidden, blocked shall be revealed to you”
  • The bitter Marah kind situations, problems, people are going to change and disappear from you  surprisingly.
  • You who are faithful, determined in your commitment before our Lord. God says, “This will be a Year of God's Favour, a favour in your Family Life, Career, Business, Ministry and a favour that you had been waiting for a long time.
  • It will be a year of justice for all your injustice
  • It will be a year of transition, your darkness turning to light, your mourning turning to Joy, Your failures turning to Victory.
  • This will be a Year of Difference – The people will recognize the anointing in you, The people will recognize the inner talents in you, The people will recognize the wisdom, grace and the sparkle in you – By this your old shame, your old pain, your old name will fade away.
  • My Dear, Get Ready - for a fresh Anointing, This is the Time, This is the moment, where God is going to pour HIS Spirit upon all flesh. Especially upon the young generations in a mighty way and raise many young people to shake the world by their mighty preaching followed by signs and wonders
  • It is going to be a New Start, New Beginning, New chapter, New position and a New level of glory in your Life, Job, Business and in the Lord's ministry.
  • Looking at what is happening around you, around Israel - You will understand we are in the last days and This is the time you need to get ready, get prepared to meet The Messiah, your Creator and your Master.
  • This is the Time, to get equipped and prepare yourself for the End Time ministries that has already been Started...
  • God has chosen you in this last days to be a Sign of Hope, a Sign of wonder, a Sign of Joy, a Sign of Blessing and a Sign to bring a greater revival in the Nations.
  • Inmidst of trouble, Inmidst of pain, Inmidst of humilation, This is the Time you will feel the touch of God, you will see the Glory of God, you will see the mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit of God in your Life and ministry and this is the time the people around you will see a great difference in you which they have not seen in you before.
  • In these days of darkness, God has chosen you to be a light, bringing brightness into the people’s life around you.
  • In this last days, God is taking you spiritually to the next level not as a follower but as a Leader, not as a back runner but as a Forerunner, not to do small things but to do great exploits for God.
  • There shall be a fresh move of the Holy Spirit revealing his glory manifestation through his faithful servants and through the people who thirst to do something for God.
  • Darkness may prevail, problems may try to suppress the Church and its believers but inmidst of that the Church shall see the mighty pour of the Holy Spirit and a harvest in a greater way, making a way for a New Revival sweep in a greater manner
  • This is not the END, But this is a NEW BEGINING for a GREATER REVIVAL...

       My Dear, God has chosen you to play a great role in this great Revival..!


But for the world this year will be…




Matthew 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN SUFFERETH VIOLENCE, and THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE.”

 “And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. People will be terrified (in Fear) at what they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken (Luke 21:25-26)

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars... For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these  are the beginning of sorrows” (Mathew 24:6-8)

Be Ready for what is coming...

This Revelation is something common that is going to happen in the coming days...

  • 2024 will be a year filling the people's mind with Worries, despair, Pain and Fear of what they see and what they hear – There will be much talks about the End Time of the Earth and destruction coming to the Planet Earth.
  •  It will be called the “Year of Fear” with the world filled with some kind of darkness and dark forces taking the upper hand in binding the people. Coming days Fear, disappointment, emptiness, hated, hopelessness will be the image in the face of the people.
  • 2024 will continue to see the effect of the global warming; We shall see an increase in the extreme weather changes causing great destruction of Hurricanes, Droughts, Forest fire and Heat waves.
  • This will be a another threatening Year filled with many Natural Calamities, Disaster, Violence, Jobless situation, Financial crisis, Price increase and destruction coming from above to the planet Earth.
  • There will be more news of new kind of Virus and Germs threatening the day to day life of the humanity.
  • We will hear much news about the Earth’s crust or the plates beneath the Earth shall see a shift from its present position causing great alarm and fear among nations.
  • You will hear something about Atomic solar storm in the Sun bringing great fear by sending much of its heat all around the globe and the same affecting the function of the Satellites and disrupting the internet connection.
  • We will hear about some repositioning of some planets confusing the Astrology world.
  • There will be many scientific findings about New Planets, New stars and New Black holes. surprising much the Astrology and Astronomy world bringing great fear of the existence and future of the Earth.
  • We will hear news about some kind of disputes between the Arab Nations.
  • It will be another Year of Warning and we will see the severity of the Global warming in many Nations. The much talked news will be about melting ice of Antarctica and the dangers arising causing Sea level increase and the water covering many parts of the land in many countries.
  • We will hear much news about the dangers of the melting of ice in the Arctic Region and the dangers that are lurking beneath the layers of ice in the Antarctica.
  • It will be a Year of Fear with the world filled with some kind of darkness and dark forces taking the upper hand in binding the people. Coming days Fear, disappointment, emptiness, hated, hopelessness will be the image in the face of the people.
  • It will be a challenging Year filled with spiritual battles including mental and Physical struggles. Children of God, This is the time prepare yourself in the foundation of prayer and close walk with God because the Spirit of deceiving has been released.
  • This is the Year we will see and hear about the severity of this deceiving Spirit bringing great confusion and great fear in the hearts of the people.
  • As the Deceiving Spirit has been released - This year, we will hear much news about the spirit of arrogance and the spirit of ignorance in the life of many Young people, drifting them away from God and drifting away from the advices of the elders in the family and pressurize them to live a life of loneliness, intended to live a self content life ( Young Children – Boys & Girls be cautious with whom you talk, what you talk and how you talk) If you are not cautious your dreams, God’s plan in your life will be shattered and destroyed. Be careful about the seed the evil one is trying to plant in your mind.
  • Because of this deceiving Spirit – We shall hear much news of split, arguments, difference of opinions in the family, resulting confusion, depression and unfaithfulness in the family. (If not careful even the elected ones, chosen ones, anointed ones will be deceived)
  • Due to the mental stress not properly handled, We shall hear much news about the New culture increase gradually in the mindset of people going ahead for Marriage divorce for petty reasons, to live a life without getting married ( Living Together), illegal relationship and people forcibly converting themselves to live a life of gay, lesbian relationship and falling to other ways, spoiling the purity and integrity of God given Marriage life.
  • The impact of the deceiving Spirit will be so great that the Marriage that has to take place before the Lord, before the two families, before the congregations But it shall be held in secret before meager people. It is so sad Government will come out with laws supporting their wrong intentions.
  • In these last days we will see and hear about impact of the people’s addiction to the Media and social Media Apps, which will pollute and corrupt the mind of people. For their selfish reasons they will come out with Movies, Tv Programmes, Talk shows and Advertisements and encouraging, motivating the people to live to an ungodly, unholy, immoral life giving no value for true relationship. (Young children be wise, Be careful - You are in the watch list, take care of your health and mind. - It is good to use the Mobile Phone, But don't let the mobile use you and destroy you)
  • You will hear much news about false allegations made by wicked people against Servants of god, Missionary organization, Christian NGO’s and the Church. They will try to insist the government to restrict their funds, day to day works and suppress them with some laws with a watchful eye.
  • So, This will be another year filled with burdens and troubles with yet many strict laws implemented suppressing the right and freedom of the People. Religious laws coming into process may seem to be End of the Church, end of doing God's Ministry in freedom, because preaching the Gospel and sharing ones faith would be restricted with conditional stiff laws in many Countries.
  • As past The Churches will be forced with added rules and regulations in conducting the church service and prayer meetings.
  • These are the days it will be a wakeup call to the Churches of all denominations around the Globe.
  • In these last days we shall see and hear about the coldness of peoples love and their commitment towards the Church.
  • We will hear much news about The Anti-Christ, The false Prophets will take its throne in the False Church with False doctrines, false interpretation of the Word of God and misleading and misguiding many people bringing great confusion to the Christian Faith. 
  • These false Prophets will come out by doing amazing mighty miracles, which will surprise and attract people’s attention. And then they will insert the false doctrines and false faith into them.
  • As the Wicked Devil knows that, his END is near He will raise his followers to stand and stop the plans of God in your Life. So, This is the Time there will be direct attacks against YOU, your Family, your Children, your Ministry and your Business and the uplifts in your Job.
  • Once again we shall hear about The Pandemic, restriction and Lockdown situations will continue again in many Countries.
  • Due to the disruptive weather, Climate changes, Covid virus effects Israel – Palestine war and the confused state in the Arab world There shall be an price hike all over the world with high record prices, increase in the Food, Vegetables, Cereals, Oil, Petrol, Diesel and Gas.
  • Due to this Economy fall, rescission and unemployment will rise in many Countries. causing unrest news about Violence, innocent people life threatened with Hunger and scarcity of food tormenting the common man in those countries.
  • We shall see an increase in the rise of corruption, fraud, robbery, malpractice using updated Technology.
  • Even thou the medicine for Corona Virus is said to be found and due to new kind of Virus and variants arising, many Nations shall struggle to control the virus but left in despair losing many more loving souls, This will be a great burden to those Countries and shattering the dreams of the people medically and also financially.
  • In the coming days Vaccination will become mandatory, not just travelling and even in purchasing things, Election Voting process, to receive Government privileges and also for Banking procedures.
  • Coming days, We will hear much news about Corona Virus and about a New Virus coming out with many more new variants changing its face, changing its appearance, changing its reaction bringing fear and worries into the people's mind, which will be a great threat to many countries rippling the country activities, crippling them Economically and getting the Vaccine to those people will be a greater challenge.
  • We will see the severity of the Virus crippling many nations pushing them to a pandemic situation
  • This is another challenging Year for many countries - due to the continuous Lockdowns, work from home Culture and eating much cold frozen foods, it will cause new kind of health problems causing such as obesity, depression, anxiety and mental disorder.
  • We will hear many threatening news from the Terrorist organization attacking people, individuals and the Government. We will hear some new strategy of them involving in hijacking people, online frauds, computer hacking, laundering their money and their belongings. Due to this there will be a peaceless situation in many countries.
  • In these days, You will hear and see many false prophets arising with their false interpretation of the Word of God and misleading and misguiding many people bringing great confusion to the Christian Faith.  
  • We will hear more news about the countries coming together forming a group and alliance, in result later forming one Government, one religion and one Money and much news about the beginning of New World Order. The Lord told me that the One World Order army is already been prepared and the preparation to implement it as a law is already done secretly, they are just waiting for orders.  Result of it,

= you will hear news about Chip inserting into human body  enforcement laws implemented.

= Countries coming together in agreement of opening doors to enter without Visa

= We will see the rise of India, US and China playing a major role in leading the New World Order. 

  • We will hear some good news about the improvised Technology in the Media field using the AI technology, with this they will come out with new programmes based on future generations
  • The other side, The Media and social Media Apps will play a major role in polluting and corrupting the mind of people.
  • You will see and hear about Movies, Tv Programmes, Talk shows, Live Programmes and Advertisments revealing to live a immoral life, before or after marriage is not wrong, it is normal and message given encouraging Divorce and living a life without a life partner, without any commitment is better.
  • The Catholic Church will come out with new laws to follow, this sudden changes will bring a deviation among the Catholic Church.
  • There will be some controversial news about the Pope and some comments said by the Pope on a certain vital issue, which will cause some protestation, agitation among people and it will be talked much in the Media's.
  • We shall hear news about the declining health issue of The Catholic Church Pope
  • We will hear news about the illegitimate practices taking place within the Catholic Church.
  • Violence everywhere and the signs and wonders happening on the Earth & Sky and things happening in Israel will clearly reveal that we are in the last days. 
  • This is a Year you will hear much news about nations rising against nations with Fighter Planes, War Tanks rushing and the war Ships in Alarm, making a way for another big War. 
  • We will hear about a war alarming situation between China and western countries.
  • This will be another year, where we will hear much talked news and debates about Aliens inhabitance and the planning of Humans living new Life in other Planets.
  • This will be another historical Year - with many more Prophesies coming to pass, what you see and hear what is going to happen in the middle east will clearly show that we are very much in the Last days and Jesus Christ is coming sooner than expected.


Prophesy about The WORLD

  •  This year you will hear much news about countries trying to dominate the world with their Military capability Technology, Digital technology, Global security Technology
  • Military capability Technology, based on Super power ammunitions
  • Digital technology based on money financial matters
  • Global security Technology based on security of the nation.
  • Based on these new laws, new agreements will be made by countries urging the UNO to proceed and implement such laws globally.
  • This will be a year of Speed, a speedup of new level in Advance Technology using AI (Artificial Intelligence).
  • Coming days we will hear about AI Technology playing a great role in avoiding Road, Sky and Sea accidents. This new features will be first implemented in the car’s and then later to other vehicles.
  • Coming days you will see and hear of this AI Technology will play an important role in the life of a small Kid to an Elderly person. This AI Technology will play a major role in the field of education inspiring and also motivating people to think and plan things in advance and making things much easier for people to find solution for their sickness with an advance technology in the Medical field
  • This AI technology based software will be of great help to the humans in performing human functions, such as planning, reasoning, communication, and discerning things effectively and efficiently.
  • Till now we saw Robots used in Medical field, Police & Military Departments used as Courier to deliver parcels, and also used in spying people.  Adding to it coming days we shall hear much news about Super Computer using artificial intelligences creating robo's cloned as humans that than can think, speak and make decision on its own.
  • These Robo's will be on sale to be used in helping and doing our daily works and also used for ones sexual activities, later this life style will corrupt human character and it will  obsess them to live a unhumanly life with such robo’s.
  • We will hear about such Robo’s installed on streets, roads to monitor people and to scan and identify people with criminal activities and people who oppose the government’s laws and doings.
  • Coming days we will also hear talks about the restricting of the use of AI Technology among the common people, due to news coming to light of people indulging in frauds, robbery, malpractice and stealing of government documents and materials.
  • Japan shall come out with an innovative idea of sending a satellite made of wood, with a solution to reduce the satellites remain dust in the Space and cutting the high cost expenses of a satellite launch.
  • Japan shall see the severity of the Natural disaster.
  • Coming days, due to the advance Technology our reading glass will be connected to the Internet.
  • We shall see a new phase of going forward in the Aeronautic technology in Space travel, Space Tourism, advance Rockets, Space Stations and creating of Starships.
  • We will hear much news about Space research exploring of The Moon, Planet Mars and nearby planets
  • We will hear much news about Astronauts and sending of Astronauts to the space for the space research
  • A New Orbit from outer space of many years will be found which will reveal secrets of the creation of the universe.
  • We will hear some kind of melting process taking place in the Moon or Moon  revealing its secrets. This new discovery will bring great surprise to the World – This finding will be done by China and later added on by other countries.
  • From now onwards we will hear much news about technology based on Speed - Supersonic Trains, Air Planes, Military Aircrafts, hypersonic missile, laser beams,  Space Rockets and War Ships.
  • You will hear news about Countries coming out with their own AI projects, a program to find out one's personal details, bank accounts, Email chats on just face recognition from the Street Camera's, Mobile Phones and when found danger it will give automatic alerts and automatic drones spying and attacking the target will be the main agenda of this programs.
  • Like last year our Job, business will again become Robotic - work from home, online services and the Government operating from indoors will become an unsigned agenda.
  • We shall see the increase of the dominance of women’s power in the Sports, Business and specially in the political field holding key positions in many countries.
  • We shall hear much news about South Korea reveals its dominance in the Super powers which it had been researching and inventing in secret. This revelation shall be a shock to the pressurizing neighbouring countries like North Korea and China.
  • We will hear much pathetic news about Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Baluchistan
  • You will hear pathetic news about the Scandinavian Islands.
  • There will be a terrifying news about a food product, name starting in N, which I don’t want to mention
  • We will hear a sudden death news of a Famous Indian Cricketer
  • We will hear a sudden death news of a Famous Football player
  • We will hear a sudden death news of a Famous south Indian actor
  • This year you will hear many news about people dying due to Cardiac Arrest.
  • We will hear aggressive threatening news about Iran, Russia, China and North Korea forming some kind of group or alliance against western nations.
  • We shall hear a pathetic death news of a important political leader of a country
  •  We shall hear news about an assassination of a president of a country and the threat shall be from within its own country.
  • Due to some careless decisions, plans, laws made by the government of Russia, USA, Italy, France, England and especially in the Middle East - it will trigger great protestation spoiling the peace of the country.
  • Canada - shall see lot of climatical changes with heavy Snowfall and temperature becoming hotter. There will be a news about something about their policies, Funds management, Eco – System and some kind violence problem about Racisms and a news about some changes in the Sea bed, which shall trouble and burden the nation.
  • We will hear news about a coup the military taking over a country by force.
  • We will hear much news of violence , protestation and mass blood sheds done in the Africa continent.
  • Surprising ancient discoveries of great value will be found near the drying Euphrates river. 
  • We will hear much news of many countries suffering financial crisis, with not able to provide the basic needs like food, petrol etc. due to this those nations will be forced to sell or give their lands to other nation.
  • We shall hear some pathetic incidents taking place in Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Armenia.
  • We shall hear some dreadful news taking place in Mauritius and Bali, Indonesia.
  •  We shall hear some threatening news coming from Denmark, Netherlands.
  • We shall hear the attack of tsunami on Costa Rica and neighboring places
  • We shall hear a pathetic news about Venezuela and Colombia
  •  I saw a vision of the people of Hong Kong are being beaten and tramped by foot by force and I also saw another vision of people running in fear with many building broken down and fire, smoke everywhere and many people are lying on the ground in a pool of blood. ( I don’t know this is caused by an Earth Quake or cause by some people - But I fear something big is going to happen in Hong Kong)
  • You will hear much news about the behavior changes in the Mammals and living beings in the Sea and much news about some peculiar changes taking place in the  Sea bed.
  • This year we will hear many new about accidents in the Sky, Sea and Roadways and much news about the Fire accidents and the destruction and losses will be in a greater way.
  • France - will be troubled continuously with some kind of problems internally and externally. It shall face heavy snow fall, unemployment crisis & Financial crisis of price increase shall shake the nation with continuous protestation.
  • There will be many Natural disasters like Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Forest Fire, Tsunami waves, Floods, Storms and heavy showers of Rains causing many destruction, damages and losses which had not been seen before.
  • We shall see the increase of the cold breeze, heavy Snowfall one side and on the other side the Heat of the Sun will deliberately increase tormenting many countries in an unusual way. I am sad to say we shall see the severity of Global warming around the globe.
  • You will hear news about pestering unheard new Natural Calamities, unpredictable Climatic changes. There will be some peculiar threats coming from the skies, the Sun, Planets and meteorites, especially a news about the Rockets , Satellite and the Astronauts sent from the earth.
  • Due to the heat of the Sun many countries will be tormented with severe drought and a great Famine that was not seen before in the African Countries.
  • This year excess of water will be a great problem and other side drought and scarcity of water and there will also be news of the excess water not worthy to drink.
  • You will hear news about Sea water level increasing with the sea water occupying some parts of the country and new rivers arising and other side water withdrawing itself causing to find new islands.


United Kingdom

  • This will be a Troublesome year, carrying and continuing the burdens of 2023 to 2024.
  • Politically an instability year with much controversial news coming about their political leaders and their policies.
  • You will hear news about the split of states to become a separate nation from United Kingdom
  • We will hear a controversial news about Northern Ireland and its neighbors with their changed opinion with UK Government
  • This will be another year - The nation will be drowned in sorrow due to the fast spread fresh surge of Covid-19 cases due to the new variant, this will cripple the nation economically.
  • In the beginning Economy reforms policies coming to failure and unemployment problems sustaining shall be a great burden and a trouble to the country. But after 6 months New Reforms, New Policies, New Immigration Policies will make a way to bloom the economy of the country back.
  • We shall hear sad news about the Royal family and also news about the nations under them will start to reject their rule and their authority over them rejecting the Monarchy.
  • There will be controversial and pathetic news within the British Royal family.



  • It will be a Great Year with good news, surprising the World
  • It will surprise the World with its new discovery of the unknown secrets of the Moon
  • It will surprise the western world by its new findings and successful developments in the field of Astronomy, Technology and Military affairs.
  • It will openly boast and reveal its Hi-Tech advance Technology of Laser Beams machine guns, long range missile launcher, Hyper Sonic aircraft and missiles, AI Technology Drones and Satellites. It will surprise the global market with its low cost budget.
  • It will try to extend its territories globally by creating and extending many military bases around the globe and it will forcibly try to extend its military territory in the no man's lands of Arctic region and borders of the nearby countries, due to this it will earn the enmity of the Western World and the pressurizing situation from the UNO.
  • Yet another year of facing many opposition from many Nations including the WHO (World Health Organization) and UNO (United Nation Organization) due to New Variant Covid Virus mass spread.
  •  We will hear news about some destruction in one of the Military base at South China Sea causing many death.
  • It will be a year of struggle due to its Internal & External problems by its own people & the Virus.  
  • China’s secret agreements with Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Srilanka, North Korea and some nations of Africa it shall be considered and openly spoken that it is an threat to its neighboring countries.
  • China would be suppressed very much by continuous Natural Calamities, Volcano eruption, Floods, heavy rainfall and some kind of new virus pneumonia troubling the health of the people and future generation.


United States of America

  • It will be a Year of changes – A change Politically, Economically in glory and honour.
  • The new President will be a person, who will interact easily even with countries which was considered as an enemies.
  • This Year 2024 will be restart of its glory back – It will be seen as a “Year of Restart” retaining its stand Globally.
  • Nasa will come out with a surprising discoveries in the Space, Planets and many secrets coming to light about the Sun, Moon and Galaxy. Specially about Mars and other near Planets. It will be considered as another big step to the future.
  • Eventhough the alternate medicine for Corona Virus is said to be found, yet it will struggle to stop the fast spreading new variant, it will not only pressurize USA economy and it will push it to a deteriorating situation of losing many more loving souls.
  • Due to Russia - Ukraine war and Israel – Hamas war continuing, The livelihood of the people around the globe will be affected due to Prices increase in the country in a bigger way and with a result of unemployment taking an hold. This will cause an agitation among the people causing violence and protestation.
  • We will hear of a sudden pathetic death news of a renowned Political leader, which USA will be taken by surprise.
  • We would hear news of major earth quake destruction, Landslide and flood in cities like California, Los Angeles and neighboring places.
  • We would hear news of Tsunami attack on Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington taking many lives.
  • America will face a tough time in handling the continuous natural disasters in cities like Colorado, Philadelphia, San Diego, Chicago, Mississippi, San Francisco, Texas, Houston, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Washington, Missouri, Louisiana and many other states shall sense heavy rainfall and also much affected due to Tornadoes, Heavy floods, Storm, Snowfall, Forest Fire and Cold wave sweeping the country in an unusual way.
  • But inmidst of all crisis, God's Grace and Favour will withstand them and they will retain their status back globally.



  • It will be a Glorious year, rising from glory to glory
  • Israel shall rise up like an eagle renewing its Strength and grow much stronger in Technology and Military affairs and overcome every situation in a wisely manner.
  • Even though in the beginning, it may face some controversial news and agitations, opposition from the Arab nations and many other nations regarding the war with Hamas, but things will change after much talks and peace agreements.
  • Even though in the beginning, UNO and other nations that opposed Israel , later would try to maintain their friendship with Israel, because of their sharing the solution to the  Covid Virus.
  • We will hear about terrorist organization like Taliban, al Qaeda will try to target and attack Israelites with their suicide attacks.
  • Israel will grow stronger in military strategy and terrorize every country with fear, whoever tried to flex their muscle against them.
  • The Prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu who has been elected again, He will unite the nation in a wise manner than before, taking the nation to a new level of security.
  • It will be an historical year with many historical incident and prophesies coming to pass. we shall hear the Jewish people gathering together from many nations and talks made in rebuilding of the historical temple. This will be the sign that we are in the last days and a message that Jesus Christ is coming sooner than expected.
  • Israel will come out with its Innovative idea about Satellites and Robotic Military equipment using the AI Technology



  • It will be a year of challenges with potential pitfalls in the country
  • It shall find itself in the center of global events, influencing the balance of power and diplomatic relations with other nations.
  • Using the tactic's of the war, aware that the western nations are busy with Israel – Gaza war, it will try dominate and interfere in other countries affairs.
  • It will boost military budget and motivate them to be more aggressive against Ukraine. The aggressive actions taken in the Ukraine war will not only affect the people of Russia and also the whole world and western nations. But later this war would be solved with mutual agreements.
  • This will be a Year - where it will surprise the world by revealing its mighty Inventions and supersonic powers.
  • We shall hear much news about their Plans about Satellites, Space Shuttles, Laser beams and Missile Rockets of next level and Robotic Army with AI Technology that Russia had been developing in the secret.
  • We would hear news about Hyper sonic Missiles & Aircraft that cannot be seen in the Radar that can even penetrate the anti-missile defense systems.
  • This will be a threatening year, destruction waiting due to natural calamities and danger from Skies and Comets attack, it will sense heavy snowfall which will trouble and burden the Country.
  • We will hear a serious health issue and a sad news of president Putin.
  • Due to the Virus spread, pandemic situation paralyzing the country, the people of Russia in anger will rise up against the government with violent protestation, which will spread like fire all over the nation. This will become an extra burden to president Putin.



  • It will grow more in Status and in Glory
  • India will rise to G3 status in global Status
  • It will surprise the world by its innovative low cost satellite launch to other Planets especially to Mars and Venus
  • The Space research discovery about Black hole and celestial space objects findings shall catch the attention of the potential of the Indian scientists.
  • By using the AI (Artificial intelligence) and Nano Technology -  India shall surprise the world with its Space research, Scientific research, Astronomy and in the field of Agriculture and Military affairs.
  • Aeronautic Innovative ideas and input developed in India will be recognized by other nations. Coming days we shall hear many nations coming forward to work with India with many joint ventures. Few countries to name in the list is USA, Russia, United Kingdom, Japan & Israel.
  • The successful developments in the Military affairs of Supersonic missiles, artillery weapons , long range drones and deep diving military Submarines shall have a special place in the global market
  • India’s non-involvement and not commenting unnecessary comments on other countries affair will build its reputation among other nations. And the double standard of being neutral with Russia & The western countries it will earn its favour globally.
  • While many countries suffering with the pain of the Pandemic. But India not only survive the situation it will also extend its helping hands to them by this, it will be in the good books of the people
  • The economy of the country shall bloom gradually, because of  many prominent countries  will come and sign important agreements in the field of Trade, Military, Aero Space, Medicals and analyzing it many foreign companies will come to re - invest in India and due to this many stranded business like Automobile, Electronic, Export and Imports shall start to flourish again.
  • To add on to India’s glory, Even in this Year - We will hear of Indians playing significant role in Politics field in many Countries globally. 
  • Internationally India shall be recognized and enjoy great status of honor, but internally it shall face lot of oppositions from the opponent parties and from the people of the Country, due to implementing and forcing certain laws to be in action and due to some stiff action taken causing some deaths. There will be disputes, Fear, agitating protestation spreading all around the Country.
  • This will be a setback and a burden to the present central Government and the result will be seen in the forthcoming elections.
  • We will hear about the sudden death of a Prominent Movie star, Musician, Cricketer and the demise of an prominent political leader.
  • You will hear a Pathetic and terrifying news in and around Ayodhya, Kanyakumari, Bangalore, Hosur, Telangana, Kolkata, Mumbai - Andheri, Noida, Gurugram, India Gate, Chandni Chowk of Old Delhi. spoiling the Peace of the Country & State.
  • This year - Tamil Nadu, Kerala will terribly affected with heavy rain and floods
  • I saw in a vision of a ferry drowning with lot of people
  • You will news of Uttaranchal once again affected with heavy flood and many building collapsing down bring great loss and burden to the country
  • This will be a challenging year filled with all kinds of threats from Terrorist Organization and external interference of the other nations like China, Pakistan and Srilanka trying to spoil the peace of the country. But India will overcome it wisely
  • We will feel the heat of the sun and snow fall, cold breeze in an unusual way differing from what was not seen before and we shall see heavy rainfall now and then and excess of water will be a great problem.
  • Yet again, We shall hear many controversial news about Religion and laws implemented deliberately against the Christians, The Church and Christian Organization by compelling to follow certain norms and even cancelling certain privileges and their foreign funds.
  • There will be a mighty out pour of the Holy Spirit on young students who will sweep the whole nation with holy fire. This will bring great fear and tension among the opponent evil forces. Because of this out pour of the Holy Spirit, it will revive the students to unity in the Colleges, Schools and I saw a group of people joining as a group in Colleges, schools, public places for a time of Prayer, this will spread to the neighboring States and the whole Nation into a season of Prayer.
  • God said," In this last days God is going to pour his Holy Spirit on all flesh in a mighty way and in a greater manner''
  • God said," He is going to raise many young entrepreneurs and young politicians filled with the wisdom of God and filled with the Spirit of God, by their excellence and achievement they will prove that they are different from others."
  •  God said," He is going to raise the future generation to enlighten the nation to be filled with Holy Fire. These young people will go forward in leading the people into the Holy fire of Revival that the Lord as already set and prepared – No one will be able to stop it
  •  Coming days God said Young generations like David, Joshua, Elisha and Daniel, will arise up to power and hold key positions of authority in the Government. They will Lead, guide and Judge the Nation to the right path, because they will be lead by the hands of The Almighty God.
  • These enthusiastic spirit filled young people, They will come out with Plans and strategy to settle down the problems in the business sectors and they will bring solutions to overcome the economy crisis even in the Pandemic situation.
  • This change in the Students life, This change in the young people life, will touch many VIP's, Great Dignitaries, Cine Stars and they will openly confess their belief and love that they have upon Lord Jesus Christ. This change will bring great changes in the Nation.
  • India will be blessed and go forward in Status – Dominating and guiding the world
  • I believe, The lost glory and prosperity of the nation will come again
  • I believe, This is the time for a revival sweep, This will be seen in Chennai, Kerala, Bangalore, Kolkata the whole of India – People will just watch and see not able to stop it.
  • I believe this is the time India shall sense a spiritual realm.


                                                " THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR GRACE & REVELATION "